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The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

My Voice: Too much time spent in constant communication with others

We all say we’re too busy.
We all complain about having to get up too early and not having enough time to sleep.
Between club meetings, work, practices and homework, we feel like we don’t have any extra time.
However, a vast majority of us, no matter how busy we supposedly are, still find time to text friends or boyfriends throughout each activity, check Facebook multiple times a day and sometimes just sit online for hours creeping on people.
Humans are not supposed to be in constant communication with each other. Do we get that?
We don’t actually have to be talking to everyone we know all the time.
In fact, I’m pretty sure some of us would have serious panic attacks if all texting was nonexistent for a few weeks.
I wish I could figure out how much time technology takes from our lives.
I would bet that without Facebook and texting, we would all have time to write a few good novels and definitely get a lot more sleep.
In the past two months, articles have been written in both the Kansas City Star and the Wall Street Journal about teens and adults with serious issues because of sleep deprivation. This is caused from having their cell phones in bed or staying up at night on Facebook.
And can we please just talk about the ridiculousness of Facebook for a second?
The amount of creepy boys who friend request girls based off of a square-inch profile picture makes me laugh. What do they really think will happen? It’s not like when a girl sees the “hey” message in her inbox from a guy she doesn’t even know (and I, by experience, know this really does happen), she’s going to be flattered and give him her phone number.
Unless she’s really desperate, she will simply be creeped out and not respond.
Facebook is not eHarmony.
I never understood why we spend so much time writing notes or quizzing ourselves for all our friends to see.
The worst is when couples honestly change their relationship status to “It’s complicated with…” when they’re going through a rough time in their meaningful high school relationship.
I mean, really? Some things are supposed to be kept private, a right to which we fought for.
So let us appreciate our privacy. Besides, in all honesty, people rarely even care to hear about it.
Also it is unbelievable how much a Facebook friend is a non-friend in the non-cyber world.
Someone you are “friends” with on Facebook, may be someone you would never ever dream of saying “Hi” to in the hallways.
Someone you chat with whenever you’re both online at 1 a.m. may be someone you’ve never even met in person.
Just think about it. It’s weird.
I’m not saying Facebook is all bad. It keeps us in touch with old friends, allows communication for different school activities and lets our parents keep a tab on our social lives.
Just kidding about the last one — although, for an increasing amount of us that’s the sad truth. And I’m not saying that texting is all bad either.
I’m only saying that we each need to step back and look at what this technology has become for us in our daily lives. Technology is defined as “the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area” by Merriam-Webster.
So let’s use it that way: sensibly and realistically. by Katie Louis.

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The news site of Blue Valley High School
My Voice: Too much time spent in constant communication with others