The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

‘Everyone in the world deserves a best friend.’

I feel like I’m leaving high school much smarter than I entered it. I learned so much in my classes (most of which is probably irrelevant in the real world) during my eight semesters.

Outside of all of that wonderful knowledge, I learned a few things on my own. Because I can (almost) officially say I graduated from high school, I’m going to give a mini-lesson right here on page 14 of the Tiger Print.

The subject of this lesson: friendship.

I can tell you right now the most valued part of my high school experience was finding and having a real best friend.

My best friend and I talk about everything. From useless banter to deep tell-all discussions that last hours, she’s always the first one to know what’s going on in my life, and I know I’m the same way for her.

I know things about her life that no one else does, and she knows some of those things about me.

Having a friend so close is powerful. Knowing that you can trust someone with intimate details is extremely important, and it took a long time for me to open up.

For me, it’s always been a challenge to actually talk with others about what’s going on inside. I’ve never  felt comfortable sharing the most turbulent aspects of my life with another person.

But, with a best friend, that all changed.

I know she won’t judge or, worse, start gossip or tell other people what I said.

That, to me, is so important.

To know that I have someone I can trust, confide in. Someone who can take some of the weight off my shoulders when I feel stressed or worried.

Someone to just listen to what I’m struggling with and actually try to understand. To really care.

Someone who really does have my best interest at heart.

Everyone in the world deserves a best friend.

Most teenagers think they have a best friend, or group of best friends. There are always people around to hang out on with on weekends. There’s always someone there to share a good laugh or to study with for the next big test.

But that’s not all of what a true friend should be. There’s something deeper, more personal; you’ll know it when you have it.

I feel so lucky to say I do.

My best friend and I are going to college six hours away from each other. Six hours. I haven’t thought a whole lot about what that means, but I know I don’t have to worry about it.

I know whenever something important comes up, my best friend will just be a Skype or phone call away.

It’s not quite the same as rushing over to her house to enjoy a Dr Pepper while talking through it all, but it’s close enough.

Even separated by states and hundreds of miles, I’ll still have my best friend.

And that’s the way it should be.

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The news site of Blue Valley High School
‘Everyone in the world deserves a best friend.’