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The news site of Blue Valley High School

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Getting Organized

Check out the vuvox to the right for a quick guide of main tips with photos.
For some, it’s a dreadful word.  For others, it’s their life.
Organization is one thing I’m good at now.  When I was younger, organization was not my top priority.  Then again, homework wasn’t as difficult, time management wasn’t an issue, and all I had to organize was my desk.
Being in high school is a lot harder than being in elementary school.  Between classes, extra-curricular activities, jobs, lessons and time-consuming homework, high school students have a lot more to handle than the average six-year-old.
Even though school started on August 17, every aspect of being a student can already be overwhelming.  A sense of organization helps keep me balanced in and out of school.  If you’re like me or just want organizational tips, I’m sure these will help.

Organization at home:
·  Have a special, designated place planned for working on homework.  If you are scattered about while doing your homework, your papers will be scattered around and could easily get lost.
·  After all of your homework is completed, look over your student planner to ensure that you have completed all assignments properly and at the time they are due.
·  Create a master calendar to help you plan.  This could be a paper calendar, a calendar created on your computer, or a calendar application on your cell phone.
·  Make sure that your backpack is packed at night after you have completed your homework.  This will save you time in the morning and reduce stress because you know everything you need is already packed and ready.
·  Make a file in a file box for each class.  This way, you can put papers needed in the future in the file box for later use.  If you don’t need it now, save it to lighten your load.
·  Pick up your room before you go to bed at night.
· If you take forever getting prepared in the morning, try laying out your clothes for the next day at night.  This can make a big difference.
·  If you need to remember something, try using post-it notes to remember things.  Put them in your pocket if you lay out your clothes or on a mirror.  Place them wear you’ll see them.

Organization in your locker:
·  Put supplies for each class in the order of your class schedule.  Keep textbooks and binders together for each class.  This will keep you from the awkward moment of getting to class with the wrong textbook or binder and having to ask the teacher to let you return to your locker to get the correct supplies.
·  Use locker shelves. They help to increase the space needed to fit all of your binders, textbooks, and other classroom supplies.
·  Clean out your locker at the end of each quarter.  You never know when a paper is going to get lost at the bottom of your locker.
·  Have a small plastic box for extra supplies such as pencils, pens, highlighters, etc.  You will never have to worry about running out of those necessary items.
·  Keeping a three-hole punch and a stapler in your locker can help with organizing your binders at school.

Organization of your school supplies:
·  Have separate binders for each class.
·  Have a homework binder or folder.
·  Use dividers to help organize each binder.  This will make it much easier to find papers, notes, or other important information.
·  Try to keep papers and worksheets in the order that your got them.
·  Assign a color for each class.  Different colored pens can be used to write notes and keep track of each class in your planner.
·  Maintain your student planner.  It was given to you for a reason.
·  Alphabetize labels, dividers, and files.
·  Don’t just shove papers into binders.  Take the time to place the papers where they belong.  It will be much easier to find the papers later.
·  Label all binders, dividers, and folders appropriately.  This will help you keep track of where to put all of your important papers and will help to save time when trying to locate something.
·  Find a system and stick with it.  Consistency is key.

Don’t be afraid to try something new when organizing.  Find the thing that works for you.  Everybody is different, so everybody’s organizational techniques are different.  Eventually, you won’t have to work so hard at organizing because it will begin to work for you.

Advice gathered from personal experience, AVID teacher Dianne O’Bryan and other Blue Valley High School students.

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Getting Organized