The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The Unwritten Rules of Blue Valley: Staffer gives freshmen students tips, rules to be followed

Everyone seems to hate them.
However, usually they’re there for a pretty good reason, just like these “rules” that you won’t find posted anywhere or in your student handbook. These are the unwritten rules that Blue Valley students live by.
Not standing in the middle of the hallway is one of those things that seems like people would understand because it’s so simple and self-explanatory. Even a preschooler could do it, but apparently to some it’s too much to handle. Don’t stand in the middle of the hallway. Yes, you know, the middle of the hallway, between two walls of lockers where everyone is walking and jabbering away about the latest drama on the way to their next class. The middle of the hallway is not a place for standing. Unless, of course, you want to get sandwiched between the girl with five textbooks and a 6-foot tall football player. To avoid this uncomfortable experience and many others like it, please, stay
on the sides of the hallway.
Another thing I don’t understand is that the human race seems to be so concerned with popularity and how other people see them on the outside that we forget life isn’t a popularity contest.
So, enjoy your high school life while you can.
Sing. Dance. Play sports. Draw.
Do whatever it is that you love, and don’t worry so much about what people think of you.
For those of you who think high school is going to be like a living version of “High School Musical,” you’re wrong. People don’t sing and dance in the hallways, yes, you do have homework and not everything is going to work out perfectly in the end. But that’s the beauty of it.
At the end of the year, you’ll remember getting lost in the hallways on your way to your classes the first few days of school. By the end of the year, you’ll know the halls so well you can walk them looking at your cell phone, talking to your friend and getting something out of your backpack. Which, by the way, you should not do.
Nonetheless, the point is that you’ll make mistakes, but get over that fact now. What really matters is how you learn from them and get back up and keep going. Yes, you’re in high school now. Congratulations. Now please, get over it before you make a fool of yourself. Most upperclassmen use the common phrase “stupid freshmen.” If you act all crazy and insane, then you’re going to prove them right. You could not care that you’re called a “stupid freshman,” but my guess is that it bothers at least some of you. It bothered me when I was a freshman. So please, do us all a favor and try to prove that statement wrong. It would work better for everyone.
And after all, you’re in high school, right? So doesn’t that mean you should maybe start acting your age? Definitely makes sense to me.
Of course, since these are “rules”, and you’re probably a rebellious teenager, you don’t have to follow them. Yet, if you do follow them, I guarantee that your day here at BV may just be a bit better.
Even if the only thing that you get from this article is a way to avoid collisions in the hallway, that’s OK. At least you got something out of it.
But my hope is that you got something more.

About the Contributor
Maddie Davis
Maddie Davis, Co-Editor
Maddie Davis is the Co-Editor of the “Tiger Print.” She enjoys soccer, writing, photography, designing and music. (If you ever want music recommendations, hit her up. She has good taste.) Besides writing for the paper, Maddie is a member of NHS, Quill and Scroll, NFHS, NHHS, SNHS and French Club. She plays club soccer for Kansas Rush and plays varsity soccer at school. Maddie hopes to major in Photography or Photojournalism at an undecided university and end up as a music photographer and/or journalist.
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The Unwritten Rules of Blue Valley: Staffer gives freshmen students tips, rules to be followed