The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

School rules not meant to ‘oppress’

At some point in your life, if you don’t already, you will have a job.

It could be anything from flipping burgers to managing a small group to being a multi-millionaire CEO.

No matter what occupation you find yourself in, there will be basic expectations.

And, I promise, you will be expected to be on time.

Along with its plethora of other goals, Blue Valley prepares its students to join the workforce.

If you are as offended when your future boss expects you to be on time as some students are when they are sent to Tardy Tracker, I wish you luck in finding employment.

Two of the most basic expectations — and, yes, rules — at BV are being here and being on time, which directly translate to your future job.

The issue is more than just following these rules — it’s accepting the consequences of ignoring them.

If you wish to be late to class, you control your own destiny. Own up to your actions, deal with the consequences and move on with your life.

No complaining about how oppressed you are is necessary.

Speaking of future employment, unless you wish to become some sort of exotic dancer, following our dress code puts you right on track for what to expect in a future job.

Nix that — you probably won’t be able to wear shorts, tank tops or many other clothing items the dress code does allow.

When you consider that going to school every day is essentially all students’ full-time jobs, being required to look “professional” (or at least not be hanging out of too-small or otherwise questionable clothing) makes more sense.

Our administration is not “oppressing” us when they ask us to follow simple rules.

They are only trying to prepare us for work as well as other future experiences and make our school what it’s supposed to be — an effective place for learning.

At the end of the day, BV’s various rules do not define your school experiences. Your effort, academics, school spirit and other qualities will shape you as a person as well as your four years here.

About the Contributor
Sally Cochran, Editor in Chief
Activate Search
The news site of Blue Valley High School
School rules not meant to ‘oppress’