Think Before You Judge
Negative comments lead to excessive categorizing, tense relations
Everyone has had something mean said behind his or her back.
Everyone has said something mean behind someone else’s back.
The truth is, no one is perfect, and you have no right to judge someone else on his or her behavior.
If she’s in tight shorts, she’s a “slut.” If she’s in baggy pants and a shirt, she’s labeled “weird.”
If he goes to a party, he’s brainless and shallow. If he stays home with his parents, he’s boring and nerdy.
What happened to being a genuinely nice person who accepts people for their behavior, whether you agree with it or not?
If you can’t keep your mouth shut because someone wore a crop top to a party, you may need to work on your people skills.
Regardless of what the people around you wear or how they spend their weekends or how much or how little makeup they have on, they are still human beings and deserve respect, and to get that respect those people should not have to fit your mold.
Just because you have straight As, are planning on going to college and are considered the golden child does not mean you are better than anyone else.
Just because you fight the system, sport beanies and wear black does not mean you know more about the “real world.”
People have different styles and different things they are comfortable wearing, saying and doing, and whether or not you are doing those things does not mean you are above someone else.
You cannot control someone’s behavior with mean comments, judgmental tweets or disapproving looks. The only thing you will accomplish is making someone feel less confident and secure about what they felt great about seconds before.
Instead of whispering something snarky to your friend as someone else walks down the hall, compliment that person with what you do like about them — their hair, shirt, shoes, humor, tweets — and keep quiet about the rest.
Disagreeing with someone’s lifestyle is not a reason to trash them, and if that’s your plan on dealing with different types of people, then you’re not going to get very far.
Instead of talking badly about them, maybe you could have an intelligent conversation with them — and, hey, you may learn something.

Charlotte Rooney is a senior and the opinion editor for “The Tiger Print.” She loves writing opinions about current events and writing news stories...