Digital art is just as valid as traditional art
Digital art is everywhere now.
You can find it with Pixar and its 3D animation, video games and their praised graphics and graphic designers with advertisements and logos.
Yet so many people have things to say about it.
“Digital art is cheating.”
“Digital art isn’t real art.”
When photography grew in the art world, people found it preposterous and called it cheating, but now, it’s accepted as its own medium and is respected by many.
Digital art is the same — it’s just another medium.
It requires the basics just like anything else — the artist has to understand color theory and basic principles of art.
Many people have this odd idea that computer programs can make art easier for the artist.
However, they’re actually quite hard to navigate and use successfully.
Sure, you can just use the brush and the eraser to create something, but using the different tools like the varying brushes, the filters, the lasso, and the overlays can create something truly beautiful.
Also, how easy something is irrelevant — the artist will still put a lot of effort and thinking into what they are doing.
Acrylic paints are usually said to be easier to use than oils, but a masterpiece can still come from a so-called “easier” medium.
And lastly, cheating is everywhere — it’s not just in digital art.
If an artist calls a digitally edited photo his/her art, that’s cheating.
But if a traditional artist copies another piece of art and calls it their own, that’s also cheating.
Digital art as a whole can’t be classified as cheating just because of a handful of people.
At the end of the day, it also requires something every medium requires.
Creativity and imagination — the artists still produces their own unique art with their own styles.
Open your mind up to all kinds of mediums, and don’t try to define and put a boundary on art.
Digital art is just what it sounds like.
It’s art.

Kaitlin Yu is co-editor in chief of “The Tiger Print.” She appreciates the arts, loves cats and dogs and takes pleasure in wasting her time away by...