Let’s Be Selfish

Alone time important for individual growth

Everyone says teenagers are selfish.

We only think about ourselves.

We have dedicated entire websites to posting pictures of us.

Fine. I’ll let you have this one.

When it comes to time, however, we are unselfish to a fault.

None of my time is my own anymore. When I am not doing homework, applying to college or running, I am . . . sleeping. Wait, scratch that. I also babysit once or twice a week and have friends I can sometimes pencil in time for.

This leaves virtually no time just for me.

I’m not the only one with a busy schedule. So many of my friends, peers and mere acquaintances have just as much or more to do.

Why is this?

Are we so conditioned to say yes to any plans that come along that we forget it is OK to decline?

It’s taken me most of high school to learn that it is 100 percent acceptable to say no.

We have a right to be selfish.

And while you shouldn’t become antisocial, sequestered beings, one Saturday night to yourself is an amazing experience.

No one is going to be mad if you decline.

The people you babysit for will call you for another time.

Every time plans come about, don’t jump at the chance to say yes. The balancing act of work, extracurriculars and friends can get really tedious really fast. You don’t want to get to a point in your life where it becomes a need to always be busy.

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard people say something along the lines of, “I have nine papers, a game, a job and an elderly grandparent to take care of. Should I go out tonight?”

Excuse me, what’s your confusion about? Take that time for yourself.

Read, make cookies, knit a scarf or just sleep. Spending time alone is healthy.

While teens are social creatures, it is equally important to realize that alone time helps with developing a sense of who you really are.

Don’t overload yourself just because the opportunity presents itself.

Take some time off from a social life for a night.

Be selfish.

You will be happier for it.