Free the Phones!

Banning phones bothers students

Screen Shot 2015-11-12 at 1.45.55 PMMany teachers at Blue Valley have started banning phones in class because they feel phones are “too distracting” and “hindering our learning.”

But those same teachers also say they want to treat us like adults to prepare us for the workplace.

News flash — adults don’t get their phones taken away from them if they’re using them during meetings or presentations.

Sure, you’d most likely get a look of disapproval from your boss if he catches you texting and not get the information you need out of a meeting — but that’s your problem.

The same thing goes for having your phone in class — if you don’t pay attention, then you won’t get the information you need to pass the test and that’s your problem, not your teacher’s.

And believe it or not, taking a student’s phone away isn’t going to make him more likely to focus on what’s being taught. What will probably happen is that student will start talking to other students, distracting the whole class.

As high schoolers, we should be expected to be responsible enough to know when we need to pay attention.

Also, there are students who use their phones in class to aid in their learning. Big shocker, I know.

Some students use apps to keep track of homework and due dates.

Some students check their grades in class to see if they should do that extra credit assignment their teacher just told them about.

Some students have to text their parents because they find out plans change, like a review session being offered after school they wanted to stay for, or practice just got cancelled and they need a ride.

Let’s be real here — yes, there are students who abuse the privilege of using their phones in class.

But there’s also a ton of students who don’t and are unfairly penalized because a few of their peers messed up.

It’s a lot like driving — if you repeatedly abuse your driving privileges, you lose the privilege to drive. Banning phones for the entire class is like saying a whole city can’t drive anymore because six people got more than 10 tickets.

Seems a bit dramatic, doesn’t it?
There’s a solution to this problem that would make students, and teachers, very happy — if you abuse it, you lose it. Simple as that.