Holiday Plans
The holiday season is in full swing, and with it comes sparkling lights, baked goods, family, and celebration. This year, the students of Blue Valley share their family’s plans and traditions, for the holidays.
“My family goes to my grandparents’ house and we just hang out with our family. On New Year’s Eve, we celebrate my uncle’s birthday.” – junior Hadil Atra
“For the holidays, my extended family comes over and we all fight and nag at each other, and my younger brother Kenneth farts the entire time. We also open presents and eat steak every year.” – junior Brenna Stroud
“My family has a huge party with our neighbors every other year. We decorate the tree and make candy houses and display them at the party. We also see my cousins. – senior Camille Roudabush
“Because I have wrestling practice during break, my family is coming over to my house. We do a secret santa thing and give gifts to the person we’re assigned” – senior Devin Graff

Charlotte Rooney is a senior and the opinion editor for “The Tiger Print.” She loves writing opinions about current events and writing news stories...