“So here it goes, high school — it’s not you. It’s me.”

Moving on — something we often use to describe graduating high school and heading off to whatever lies in store for us after.
When I hear “moving on,” however, I never get that feeling of completeness, of finishing strong, of saying goodbye.
Moving on sounds more like getting over a breakup than a farewell — so we might as well treat it as that.
So here it goes, high school — it’s not you. It’s me.
No, seriously.
It is not your fault I have reached the age where I need to leave the nest and (hopefully) make something of myself.
We had some good times together — school dances, newspaper late nights, numerous theater productions.
And some bad — AP stat.
But all good things must come to an end.
Sure, everything was going well freshman year when the relationship was still new and exciting; but honestly, I think both of us are getting a little tired of each other. It’s not a bad thing — we did what was right for both of us at the time and we just, well, grew apart. No hard feelings.
I truly do wish you the best of luck, but I think we need to see other people.
There are plenty of other fish in the sea and hey, a hot new class of freshman will come into your life next year.
To be quite frank, there is someone else in my life.
Your suspicions were right — the late nights on the computer were me visiting websites for other schools and the missed days for “family trips” were indeed college visits.
I denied it and denied it, but yes, it’s true.
There is a new special someone for me.
You were right all along and even though it will hurt, you need to hear me admit it — it’s college.
I really don’t want this to come between us, and I’m sorry it had to end this way.
Maybe we can still be friends.
But in all seriousness — I want to thank you for being a place I could make mistakes and learn more about myself in the process.
My time with you taught me so much about what I am capable of and how to work hard to achieve my goals. I made so many unforgettable friends and will never stop counting myself lucky for that.
There were so many things about you that made you special — the wonderful “Tiger Print,” the drama department, Fifth Wall, the school spirit.
You will forever hold a place in my heart.
The invaluable lessons I have learned here will help me in the next chapter of my life.
I am sorry we have come to the inevitable end of this relationship.
All those who come along next will be incredibly lucky to have you — I can only hope they will have as good of an experience as I have. I know you’ll find the one eventually.
I hear that Scott Bacon is a catch and he won’t suddenly graduate like everyone else. I’ll give you his number.
Best of luck to you.
Goodbye, high school.

Rachel Lock is the News and Web editor for “The Tiger Print” and has been on staff for three years. She is part of the theatre department including...