There are around 1,500 students currently at Blue Valley, and there are around 700 computers and iPads at the school total. Looking at these numbers you can tell there are obviously more students than there are electronics.

However, we should change to 1-to-1 program.

Currently in the Blue Valley district there are computers and ipads that are used in school and not taken home.

This can be difficult for students who don’t have access to a computer outside of school.

Yes, the school keeps the library open before and after school to use computers but it sometimes doesn’t work with rides or if you ride the bus.

One-to-one computers would mean that one computer would be assigned to one student. The student could take the computer with them to and from home and school.

Changing to this 1-to-1 program would be a great change for the BV schools. For starters, students would be more organized.

If students don’t finish work in class they can use their own computer at home to finish. Students wouldn’t need to email themselves assignments, and there would be no excuses for students not to get their work done. It would also be easier for teachers. Whenever teachers need to use technology for an assignment in class they have to schedule a cart or computer lab, which can be annoying if it’s last-minute.

screen-shot-2016-11-28-at-1-33-16-pmThere are currently three-hundred laptops, one-hundred fifty ipads, ninety Mac Desktops, and one-hundred fifty PC Desktops which adds up to six-hundred ninety electronics in the school currently. Based on this, the school does not have enough computers to start the 1-to-1 program.

It would require buying and selling more computers which would be a lot of work. However, I think there are two things the school should do. The first way is starting  with the incoming freshmen getting new computers, and as the school gets more money, then eventually in four years every student would have a computer. The second way is having students pay for half the cost for the computer as a freshmen and when they graduate they have two choices. The first choice would be to give the computer back to the school, and if nothing is wrong and there were no breaks, they will get their money back. The second thing the student could do is pay more money to keep the computer and use it for college.

Switching to the 1-to-1 computer program would be a great change — a change can be a good thing.