Heading in The Wrong Direction

Tiger Paws isn’t Working

Blue Valley is always looking for ways to better its learning experience.
At the start of this year, administrators added Tiger Paws. Tiger Paws sounds like a fantastic idea on paper — there would be time for kids to decompress, teachers would have time to work with their students and everyone would be free to eat wherever they want to eat.

The reality, though, is students at Blue Valley have been using it as a time to mess around. They are socializing with their friends, which cause them to not get their work done. Most of them are playing on their phone instead of getting the help they need from their teachers.

In addition, numerous students eat in teachers rooms which can be distracting to people who are trying to get help from teachers. The noise from the other people makes it hard for those students who are trying to get work done. It also makes it hard for the teachers to teach how to do the problem.

A majority of students don’t even pick up their trash, which leaves other students and teachers to clean it up.

It’s not fair to make the custodians or other people clean up after us.

The lunchroom has become a frenzy, many students don’t throw away their trash or stacscreen-shot-2016-11-29-at-1-24-24-pmk their chairs.

The administrators have already said there is no eating in the library because of trash problems.

They have taken away the Fixed Forum a couple of times because of trash.

Students just can’t handle the hour that the administrators give to us. Instead we should go back to the old way and have early release on Wednesday and late start on Thursday.  This was effective way of helping students learning. Wednesday’s early release gave us the option to get more help if we needed to and because school was already out the classrooms were nice and quiet. Those who left on time could get their homework done early,which helped because then they weren’t up all night. Then we had late start which gave us the extra rest we needed to get us through the day.

Without Tiger Paws students will have a better learning experience which will make for fewer behavior issues, less trash and better chances to get help.