Healthy Habits


Schools create lifelong habits. Students spend about half of their waking hours in school, and that’s why it’s absolutely necessary that they establish good practices—washing hands, saying thank you, eating healthy… Wait—what?

Healthy eating isn’t exactly what schools are known for, and for good reason. Main courses, at least for high schools, are carb-heavy and contain minimal protein. Sure, salads are offered, but the produce they provide have often gone bad, and regardless of that issue, the vegetables leave a chemical aftertaste that few would find pleasant.

This may not seem too bad—after all, there are two other meals that parents provide their children, and surely those are healthier, right?

Unfortunately, according to, 33 percent of children are overweight or obese.

What that means is that both the schools and the parents are failing. Though no one can change how parents parent easily, schools can change, and they must change.

Change should start in the lunchroom. Fruits and veggies should be required. I mean, they are required now, but potatoes shouldn’t be considered a vegetable. Something with actual fiber and nutrients should be what’s required.

Restrictions should be placed upon students buying lunches. You definitely shouldn’t be eating three pieces of pizza for lunch, and that should be enforced.

Healthy snack food should be offered to be purchased. It doesn’t matter if they’re whole grain, but the cereal bars in the vending machines contain a plethora of—and they’re the best option.

Schools have a responsibility to provide, and even require, healthy food to be consumed by students so they can create a basis of healthy habits that will hopefully continue on to adulthood.