New Year, New Macs

How useful are the new, district-provided MacBook AIr’s?


All throughout school, I have dreamed of a life where I didn’t have to transfer all my documents to google docs or email them to myself. A life where I could just bring my work home with me. Now, thanks to the new Macbook Air’s, that dream has become a reality. But is it too good to be true? After returning from winter break this past January, the Blue Valley District has provided all students with a MacBook Air. Many students were excited to have a free tool to take home, including myself. But after exploring the new laptops, many students have started to realize all the disadvantages that come with it. So I think this raises the question of “how reliable are the laptops?”, and I feel safe to say that they aren’t very reliable. As a student involved in a tech-based class, I was surprised to find that I was denied access to many of the apps that I need to function in my classes. If we are given laptops for us to take home and use, then I think they should allow us to use the apps that let us do work at home. What is the point of having a laptop to bring home if I am restricted from so many useful apps? Along with that, the laptops don’t allow us to alter features to personalize and better our experience with it. For example, students are not able to change their backdrops, download music, or visit certain sites that help us in school. Now, I’m not going to be unreasonable and say that the laptops are totally useless, because they take a great amount of pressure off students’ backs when they go home to do work. I just think that students should be allowed to use the laptops to the best of their abilities.