Parking Passes
staff writer describes the shortcomings of school’s driving and traffic system

As freshman and sophomores get their cars, the junior lot grows smaller in size. As a result, a number of juniors and underclassmen have turned to the senior lot for a parking spot. The ticket into the senior lot is a parking pass, which cost $35 this year.
A lot of students are confused about the price of the parking pass this year due to virtual learning. The penalty for not having a parking pass is a $20 ticket. These tickets are rare but expensive. Another problem students face is traffic. Every morning as I walk to school, I see a number of juniors and underclassmen parked in the senior lot. The juniors and underclassmen need to understand the pain of parking and waiting to get out of the junior lot. You have to work your way up to feel the privilege of parking in the glorious senior parking lot. Students think that due to the disorganization of this school year due to the pandemic, they can park wherever they feel, but it does not grant you access to the senior parking lot. It’s called the senior lot for a reason. With everything that has been taken away from us seniors, we at least deserve a parking spot in our lot.

Erika Kolseth is a senior, and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. She loves thrift shopping, writing music, playing piano and guitar, and...