“Never give up on your dreams”

As the year is coming to an end, I am reminiscing about my time as a high schooler and I can’t help but think of all the amazing memories I have made. There’s no doubt high school came with its highs and lows. FOMO was a direct result of many of the lows; however, I learned throughout high school that I can not let this control me. 

My experience joining the Newspaper staff has been quite different than many of my peers. I was not able to join Newspaper until my very last year of high school— this is where the FOMO comes into the picture. Since freshman year, I allotted space to join the Newspaper staff. However, due to required courses and other electives, I was never able to find the time to join.

After returning from Covid, my junior year, I was finally able to take journalism. I absolutely loved it. The atmosphere of the class, the teacher and the ability to design pages and write storieswas something I loved, even if I was surrounded by freshmen that just wanted the technology credit. 

When Mrs. Huss, the journalism teacher, said I should join Newspaper, my confidence was boosted to apply. 

After lots of intricate rewriting of my application, one day I finally saw “Kylee Thompson” on the 2022-2023 Newspaper staff list — I was ecstatic.

On my first day walking into class, I was nervous — everyone knew each other and I was the oldest newbie. I felt like a college student at a high school dance — too old to be there. Nevertheless, from the beginning, I found my place in Newspaper. I was surrounded by fellow journ


alists who loved what I loved. Everyone was so nice and welcoming that Newspaper quickly became my favorite class. I looked forwa

rd toNewspaper every day and especially on Fridays when someone brings in treats. 

My first assignment was to write about foreign exchange students. It was incredible being able to interview people and tell their stories. Even though I felt like I was in over my head, the editors and other staff members were very helpful and assisted with anything and everything.

Photo assignments scared me from the get-go. I had no clue how to use a fancy camera or adjust the lighting and photo speed, something that is very necessary for any photo assignment. 

My fears were quickly put to rest when the amazing staff was very quick to answer my texts; even on weekend photo assignments. Thanks, Charley and Ayesha.

Taking photos of various events at BV encouraged me to meet so many of my peers. I was able to attend sports and other events that I would have probably never gone to. 

From this amazing journey, I have realized that FOMO can be combated by putting myself in unfamiliar situations. 

My goal for senior year was to live in the moment and meet as many people as I could. Joining Newspaper allowed me to achieve this goal. I interviewed people from every grade and heard every person’s individual story. Some new friendships have begun just from a simple interview.  

Thanks to Newspaper, I have learned so many life lessons and experienced some of my favorite BV memories. From pumpkin carving to Thanksgiving and Secret Santa, I am so thankful for the Newspaper staff and these fun traditions. 

Joining Newspaper was the best thing I could have done, even if it was late. The wonderful journalists I have been able to work with became my comfort people throughout my senior year. I still feel confident being myself around them, even when Adobe InDesign is stressing me out and I can’t help but yell at it.

 If there is anything you take away from me rambling about high school, it is to never give up on your dreams and to continue to step out of your comfort zone — that was the best thing I could have done for myself in my final year as a high schooler. 

Thank you to everyone on staff for always being there for me and always being so patient. I will miss you all dearly. 

Love, Kylee