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Study Tips

Techniques to help with upcoming final exams
Study Tips

As the last quarter of the year approaches, many students are beginning to worry about final exams and AP tests. The hardest part about these tests is the studying that leads up to the test. Several students have trouble studying because they don’t know any specific techniques or tips to help them. Luckily, I have five different tricks and methods that I have used over the years to help me study. 

1. Find an Environment With No Distractions

One of the hardest parts about studying is how distracted a person can get. If they are sitting in a room with a TV or their phone right next to them, it is very easy to look up for a second and get completely distracted from the task. To solve this problem, make sure that the area that you decide to study is free of any distractions that could make you unfocused on the topic you are trying to study. 

2. Try Not to Cram

For many students cramming in studying the night before a test is something that is a constant practice before every test. I know I have crammed for a test or two because I simply have had no time to study because of work or other activities. However, with major tests such as finals and AP exams coming up in the next few months, this method is something that will cause many people’s studying to be unsuccessful. To make sure that you get the best possible studying in before these tests, make sure to spread out your studying and make a plan of when you are going to study and what. In order to remember everything that you need for an entire year’s worth of curriculum, it will require you to take more than one night’s worth of studying. 

3. The Pomodoro Technique

A method that I have found to work extremely well is the Pomodoro technique. This process is laid out by doing 25 minutes of studying then taking a 5-minute break and repeating this 4 times then taking a 30-minute break. This helps keep your brain focused on the information you are learning while also taking breaks to make sure you are not checking out because you are trying to put an immense amount of information in your brain at once. This technique has helped me study for a test several times and helps me stay focused on what I am learning while also making sure my brain gets a break. 

4. Test Your Knowledge

Studying is all about getting the information you need into your head, however, if you don’t test yourself to make sure you know the content then you will never know what you need to focus on. When you are studying, try writing out everything you need to know for the exam you are taking, look at your notes and make corrections to what you wrote so that you know what you need to study more and what information you for sure know. This technique helps you to look at everything you have in your head and understand where you are messing up so you know what you need to fix. 

5. Form Study Groups

While many people need to be alone in a quiet space to study, others need to be in an environment with other people so that they can understand the content. Forming a study group allows you to learn the content with other people around so you can bounce your ideas and questions off of each other. This helps many students be able to see a bigger picture during their studying that they otherwise never would have seen. Studying with a group also helps students learn and understand concepts in the material they may have been confused about because you have people to talk through the content with. 

The next quarter approaching is an extremely stressful time of year, but if you get into good study habits and have a plan, it will help take some of that stress off. I wish everyone taking tests in the next month good luck!

About the Contributor
Jessica Toomay
Jessica Toomay, Staff Writer
Jessica Toomay is a Senior and it is her first year on staff. While on staff, she is also a member of the Choir, Chamber Show Choir, NHS, and Wigs Out. Outside of school, she works at Red Door, reads, listens to music, and spends quality time with her friends and family.