L is for I Love Love, but I don’t NEED love, it’s nice, yes, but not a necessity. In my last essay, I wrote it with the mindset of someone who was in love and recently broken up with, now, a year later, i am writing while in love, and in a relationship; you would think that would completely change my point of view on love, but not much of it has changed; as love does not need to be romantic, love is everywhere, it can be in your friends, in your passions, in your family, and none of that is romantic, it is just love.
O is for how often I hear people complain about how alone they are on valentines day, and I understand why, when you see people loving each other everywhere you look, it’s hard to ignore the absence of romance in your own life. I get it, but what I don’t get is why do you continue to make yourself more sad by thinking about everything you don’t have? If you focus on everything wrong with your love life, you will fall into a pitfall of ‘why am i so alone?’ “why does no one love me?’ but you are loved, you are so loved even if you don’t see it. Give love to more than just a partner, love the things that are more than just romantic, just give love.
V is for Very, Very, sad and lonely, the feeling of loneliness is one of my most hated feelings, being lonely is one of my biggest fears, and when i get into the mindset that I am alone, it really will set in, and it’s a hard pit to climb out of. But love isnt easy, and being alone is not a bad thing, because what’s worse, being alone? Or being in a relationship with someone who isn’t good for you, is mean, or is just plain not a match for you? Staying with someone who doesn’t make you happy will, in the long run, be more of a loss than a gain. A short while of happiness will not overpower the heartbreak, you are worth more than someone who loves you because you are there as an easy option to date, and you are worth more than someone who loves others because they are easy.
E is for Everyone will find someone, at some point in your life, you will find someone you love, it can be romantic, and it could be platonic, build yourself a life that will attract who you want to attract, your love life will not always be a disaster, but if you keep going for the easy options, youll be stuck in a loop of heartbreak, wondering why no one loves you, and then going back to another option. Let yourself heal, and someone who is good will come to you.