The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Fears of the Future

Senior year is full of excitement. We spend all year in anticipation of what comes next and holding onto our lasts: the final game, one closing performance and the last senior prom. While we go through the emotions of our lasts we look forward to the firsts: our first high school graduation, our first time living by ourselves and our first time being an adult. These emotions are amazing, but come with backlash.

Sadly, as senior year comes to an end we have to ask ourselves: What comes next? For many people this is college or going into the workforce, yet the uncertainty is still there. No one tells you, it’s okay to be unsure. It is okay to go into the future blind sighted. 

Although I know where I am going to college I still struggle with the uncertainty of life. I chose a school based on a major I have been debating about changing. We want to have everything planned out and know where our lives will take us, yet we must embrace the doubtfulness of our choices. We must accept that values change as we do. 

As seniors we are not expected to know everything at 18, yet we have pressure to do the opposite. We walk on a thin line of being a child and going out into the world as an adult. Thankfully we have people to look up to; whether that is a sibling, teacher or parent. 

When we go out into the world, accept the feeling of the unknown. Know that changes will happen, and that is perfectly OK. We are supposed to change and evolve, we would not be human if we stayed the same. Whatever path life takes, take the road of uncertainty instead of the safe path.

About the Contributor
Ashley Brixey-Thatcher
Ashley Brixey-Thatcher, Staff Writer
Ashley Brixey-Thatcher is a senior and this is her first year on staff at BVHS. She worked on her newspaper at her old school. Ashley loves traveling and is a photographer. She is involved in choir and theater at the high school. Outside of school she plays instruments and does horseback riding.