Staff Editorial: April 2023
Artificial intelligence will affect the future
In science fiction, AI is depicted as a dangerous, otherworldly force that typically loves to conquer the world. We all know these are just movies; however, some part of us is wary of this happening with technology on the rise.
This over exaggerated depiction of robots with murderous tendencies might hold some truth in real life, while much more understated. On the other hand, AI might serve as something truly advantageous to society.
All in all, the debate over whether AI is good or bad shows what it truly is: Somewhere right in the middle.
In the movies, robots take over the lives of humans, and in real life, this is mirrored by the increased amount of jobs becoming automated.
AI is beginning to take over the workplace, causing people to lose their jobs and potentially have no other option of where to work next.
This is detrimental to the already precarious state of unemployment across the country.
At the restaurant Magic Noodle here in KC, there is a robot that carries the food to its customers and even interacts with them. The only human workers necessary for the restaurant are those who can work in a kitchen, proving that robots are beginning to take over even the simplest of jobs like serving.
Alternatively, AI can make our lives much easier and simpler, as it is able to complete tasks too difficult for humans.
It can also help people with decision making and problem solving, such as the well-known site ChatGPT.
People can have conversations with a chatbot, allowing users to ask it to write essays, help with projects or anything else that requires problem solving.
While some might be afraid of this for its possibilities of cheating in school, it can also be a very beneficial tool.
It helps students discover the best way to solve a problem and thus be able to transform their own ideas and words.
If students use this bot as a learning tool, rather than a cheat system, it could prove to be very beneficial to education.
According to Harvard Business Review (HBR), AI can also personalize education, helping increase student engagement.
Every student would be able to choose an educational path to go down that applies to their own specific needs, helping with the lack of focus in schools.
HBR describes that professors could use AI to discover information about their different students’ varying learning styles and adjust their lessons accordingly.
A study commissioned by Microsoft says that 99.4% of 509 higher education institutions now view AI as vital to the future of education.
If even colleges are recognizing the pros of AI, then perhaps it isn’t as frightening of a concept to society as it may seem.
While it does have its cons, with the elimination of jobs in certain workforces, it will also prove to be beneficial in educational ways.
If AI goes rogue and takes over the planet, the cons would definitely outweigh the pros — but if we continue to live with it and try to understand what its true purpose is, life could be much simpler.

Brynn Friesen is a senior and is Web Editor of the newspaper. This is her fourth year on staff. She is also co President of the choir department. Brynn...