Photo Gallery: Homecoming Bonfire, Parade and Game on Oct. 2 and 4
Held on the practice fields, students circled up to watch the football captains throw a paper-mache Husky into the Homecoming bonfire on Oct. 2. The bonfire was followed by free food, music and dancing. The Homecoming parade took place on Friday, Oct. 4 at 1:30 p.m., starting at the Wal-Mart parking lot and ending at Stanley Elementary. Students are released early to go watch the parade. Students and community members gather to cheer on the students. Various clubs and activities worked on their parade floats for weeks in advance. Each grade created a float to match this year’s Homecoming theme, circus, in order to compete in the class competition tradition. This year, the seniors came in first, sophomores in second, juniors in third and freshman in fourth. Later that night, Blue Valley football fans gathered to watch the Homecoming game against BV Northwest — a tough loss for the Tigers ending the game 31-28.