Causing a Raquet
Junior selected as Varsity captain, reveals positive tennis experience
Junior Katherine Price moved to BV her sophomore year and convinced herself she wasn’t going to even make a tennis team — now, she’s a captain for the Varsity Girls Tennis Team.
Price said an important part of her role as a captain is to make sure the incoming freshmen feel welcome.
“This summer I had a lot of hit-arounds for the incoming freshmen,” Price said. “Since I was new sophomore year, I didn’t really know anybody. I feel like everyone needs to have a place
before the season actually starts even if you get cut. I also think it’s important the girls know there’s someone else to talk to besides the coach who understands what they’re going through.”
Price’s father was actually a college basketball coach, so she picked up tennis instead of basketball.
“My favorite part [about tennis] is the duels we have against other schools because that’s when the Blue Valley school spirit really comes out,” Price said. “Everyone goes over to the court and cheers them on. Sometimes you get into a battle between the two teams and the spirit is just awesome.”
Price also plays for a club tennis team.
“My greatest accomplishment for club was qualifying for this national/semi-national tournament and supers tournament,” Price said. “It was cool getting to play in that and super fun.”
Price said her BV tennis experience has been nothing but positive and her greatest accomplishment on the high school team was going to State and placing sixth at Regionals.
“I started playing tennis 12 years ago but I’ve really started to enjoy it,” Price said. “It’s super fun to be on the team and it’s been nothing but positive.”
Price said she plans to play tennis in college and thinks she will end up at the Division II level.
“I was looking at Rockhurst University and Baker University,” Price said. “I just want to talk to the coaches and see what comes of it.”
Price said she has learned lots from the sport — on and off the court.
“Tennis is really mental and if you don’t have a good attitude and go into a match thinking you’re going to lose it, you’re going to,” Price said. “Tennis has also helped me in school. I‘ve learned to just let things slide — like if I get a bad test grade now I don’t freak out about it. It’s one time, it happens and you can move on. It’s the same thing on the court. If I miss a ball, I move on. You go to the next point and everything starts over.”

Maddy Kang is a co-editor in chief for The Tiger Print. She is a senior at BVHS and plays Varsity Soccer, is a member of NHS, tiger mentors and the environmental...