Blacklisting our freedom

With so many students here at bv on their phones for various needs the school provided wifi is necessary.

But it seems every week yet another app students cherish is blocked and rendered unable to be used.

Student backlash has been relatively subdued but a new wave of bans has surprised with students with services like twitter, snapchat, spotify, and twitch not able to load.

I think the way our school goes about this is ridiculous so in search of a solution  so I have found an interesting method of getting rid of student distraction.

An answer could come from Penn State’s “Pocket Points” an app that looks to see how often the phone’s owner checks it and if the phone is left alone points are awarded that can be used toward discounts or free food.

If something similar was implemented it would give students a reason to avoid checking their phones and pay attention to class.

The broad filters often don’t help protecting us from so called dengerous sites that can be blocked because of a relation to social media or a game.

And quite a few webistes give a list of words to put into a blocking program so students can’t access any websites with those words anywhere in them.

I understand theres plenty of obvious websites to block but with our school having twitter accounts and broad filters blindly banning websites the way we go about this should be different.Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 1.34.53 PM